
Professional advicesupport

Design Development
The challenge

Putting down more clearly what SubVice does, along with a new corporate identity

Look at the website

It was not yet immediately clear what a user could do when visiting the website and we wanted to make this clearer. To this end, we did a corporate identity redesign that revamped and gave a touch-up to the colours, fonts & display of the logo. This will make the house style and feel of the site feel nice and fresh, professional, reliable & good again. In doing so, it is important to get the SubVice story right, which is why we want to delve deeper into the USPs of Grant Advice, the various types of grants,
how to get in touch with SubVice and who the SubVice specialists are that you (will) do business with.

Look at the website
The approach

Modernising the style and making the message clear

Establishing a new style was the beginning of the process to modernise SubVice and ensure that the website is clear to all who visit. We went deeper with the colours by incorporating more shades into the corporate identity. This ultimately creates more depth on the website. After the style stood, we started looking at the website's set-up. Which pages should there be and how should they link to each other. When this was clear to us, we went into the wireframe process, which was then converted into a design in combination with the newly created corporate identity.

The result

A fresh and stable tailor-made website

End result a website we are very proud of. From the start, the process went smoothly from both sides so that we almost slipped through the process. We have a website that is modern and can be used for years to come. What exactly SubVice does and offers is immediately clear and all this has also been given a nice touch. In short, we are extremely happy with the result!

Do you also want an awesome website?

Let’s see what we can do for you during an initial meeting!

Sebastiaan Master of Design